Married Ch 9

Hanley waited by the front door. She peered through the curtains. She saw a car slow down as it passed her house, then it seemed to turn around and come back.

It was Chris.

She smiled and blushed. She ran her fingers through her hair as she watched him park on the road, across from her home. She backed away from the window and went to the door. She put her hand on the doorknob and waited to hear noise.
She heard a car door close. Footsteps. Shuffling beyond the door. Silence.

More silence. He didn’t knock or ring the doorbell.

Hanley put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. Her mind raced to try and think of what he could be doing.

Finally, he knocked.

Hanley hesitated, smiling. She opened the door slowly. She was happy to see he was smiling, as well. “Hi.” Her voice was small and coy.

“Hi.” There was a tone of coyness to his as well, but through it rumbled seduction, just like his personality.
They stood there, one on each side of the door, simply beaming at each other.
He snickered.

She bit her bottom lip. “Come in, please.”

Without looking away, “Thank you,” he took the few steps to inside her home.

She reluctantly turned and walked into the open foyer, watching her feet as to not trip, and giving him room to enter. Then she rapidly pivoted back to him and watched him turn to close the door. “You got here fast.” Like an excited kid on the playground, her arms were swinging at her sides.

He slipped off his shoes while he spoke, “I wanted to get here fast.” He looked back up at her and paused in their silence. The two remain frozen again for moments before he broke it, “No kiss, Kitten?”

Hanley’s smile enlarged again while her eyes widened. Her smile faded slowly and with a lust so deep in her stare, she responded quietly, “Come here.”

Chris looked at her with cute surprise, “My Kitten wants to play hardball?”

Hanley grinned holding back a laugh, waiting for him to take the few steps towards her. But he remained in his place.
She took her thumb nail to her mouth and gave him a smile that screamed desire.

Chris leaned against the doorframe, placing his hands in his pockets comfortably. He waited until her expression changed from sex to an acute shock. Then he took his time, “Tell me how wet you are.”

She stared at him, surprised and sexually aroused.
“What?” Not believing her own ears, she had to clarify this totally embarrassing moment, “Chris–”

“I want to hear you say you’re wet,” his eyes fell to her crotch, “in your panties,” and darted back up to her face, “for me.”

Hanley stood staring at him while he had taken his time speaking. The twinkle in his eye was undeniable. She felt pulsing in her void below, the temperature rising quickly with every squeeze. She held herself together and simply licked her lips. She thought about how hot her cunt felt; it burned for him. The forbidden standing in front of her, in her home, ready to take her at any moment. It was just a matter of moments. Her breathing got faster, and she couldn’t help but part her lips to give herself enough oxygen. Tingles covered her body and with the slight tip of her head, she tried to hide her dilated pupils.

Chris’ eyes flooded her figure from her eyes down to her uneasy stance, while he continued to tease her, “You want me bad, don’t cha?” and his sight traveled slowly back up to her flushed cheeks.

Hanley stood paralyzed overwhelmed with desire and her inability and stubbornness to make the first move. His last erotic provocation seemed to hit a soft spot, and it somewhat fueled a different kind of fire inside her. She almost looked angry. “And you don’t want me?”

Chris smirked back at her without a word.

They held each other’s silences for moments, looking at one another up and down before Chris was the first to move in place. One of his hands came out of his pocket and collected his crotch, in full. She saw the outline of a very hard cock as he presented the shape to her. He lifted it in his pants, as she watched. He spoke slowly, enticing her. “All I’ve thought about over the last twenty-four hours,” his hand moved over the long rod shape, “is what we did, how we fucked,” the curse and his tone instantly made Hanley picture a thrust in her head, “and how many times we’re going to fuck again, today.”

This confession made Hanley think about what had happened since she last saw him. Without thinking clearly, Hanley challenged him. “Last night, lying in bed,” her eyes roamed from his stare down his brooding chest, “I came three times in a row thinking about you,” she watched as he continued to handle himself gently. “Now tell me how hard you are.”

With the release of his erection, he stood straight up. “I was ready to come when you texted me, thinking about that meow of yours.”

Hanley realized she may have found a weak spot, and held it over his head, “Did you come?”

“No,” he was confident, “I knew I’d be coming here to fuck you stupid again. You wouldn’t have texted me if–”

“So what you’re saying is you’re real hard.”

“So what you’re saying is, you’re real wet.”

They looked each other over, waiting for the other to move first. Hanley’s breath was deep. She couldn’t hide the need for air. Chris seemed to be relaxed, but standing in a pounce with his hands by his sides.

More silence filled the room as the two of them allowed their sexual drives to increase without touching one another.

And then finally, Chris spoke. “Well then I guess we’re just gonna stand here.”

Holding her own, she placed her hands in her back pockets forcing her chest out to him, and waited with her legs spread. “So this is a matter of who wants who more,” she clarified.

With the lift of his eyebrows and a small nod, “Yeah, I guess so.”

Not wanting to wait much longer, and ultimately knowing she would cave first, she thought on her feet, “I’ll make ya a deal handsome – step for step. I’ll go first,” and she took a small stride towards him.

“We like games, don’t we Kitten?” Chris took his own small step forward, watching her pouty mouth.

She took another as she spoke. “Games? I’m pretty sure this is foreplay.”

He took another step forward, still looking at her lips. “I hope so.”

And before he stopped moving, she took another step forward, looking at his lips, so close she could breathe him in, “I know so.”

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2 thoughts on “Married Ch 9

  1. This was so good. The teasing, the conversation the challenge and the foreplay was so great. I liked that she knew she would cave first so she tried to find something that wouldn’t make it so obvious. I also like that in the end she couldn’t wait anymore so she took her step faster. I like all of it.

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